Our policies and procedures give us practical guidance to help us to care for people and create a safe and welcoming community and church environment. Our policies and procedures reflect our core values and help us to reflect God's love to each other and to all who come into contact with us.
Safe Church Forms
As part of our Safe Church practices, all incidents or concerns must be reported.
Incident/Injury Reporting Form
Anecdotal Record of Concerns form
All incidents or injuries must be reported through the Incident/Injury Reporting Form, whether or not medical attention is sought.
If you are concerned for someone's welfare please fill in the Anecdotal Record of Concerns form. This is to be filled in for every incident or occasion.
If someone wishes to discloses information about abuse or you witness abuse, please complete the Risk of Significant Harm form.
Please follow this link for all Safe Church Flow Charts relating to the procedure for any injuries, incidents or concerns.
If anyone is in immediate danger, ring 000 and report the situation to the police.
We Are a Safe Church
We desire for everyone to feel safe, welcomed, accepted and loved at any of our Ministries or Events: We ask for everyone to please conduct yourself in a manner that fits with the aforementioned values.
Anyone who does not conduct themselves in such a manner; such as through bullying, harassment, intoxication, abuse, dishonesty and behaviour that makes others feel uncomfortable or unsafe, will be asked to leave.
The church fully supports and follows Safe Church policies. The Safe Church Officer is a point of contact for those who have questions or concerns at The Bridge Church - our Safe Church Officer is Bronwyn Fernando.
Click here for our Safe Church Training.
External Reporting
If you believe a child to be in immediate danger, call the police on 000.
If a child is not in immediate danger, you can report to any police station or to a local Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCIT).
You can also contact the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing to report any concerns regarding children.
Child Protection Emergency Services in the West Division call 1300 664 977 during business hours
For after-hours Child Protection Emergency Services call 131 278
To report a case of misconduct, abuse or historical abuse, please contact:
Safe Places Coordinator
Churches of Christ Vic Tas
PO Box 5302, South Melbourne VIC 3205
E: safeplaces@churchesofchrist.org.au
W: www.churchesofchrist.org.au
P: 03 9488 8800 or 0411 255 494
Click here for information on the National Redress Scheme through the CCVT.
Further Resources:
The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) has a thorough list of organisations that can help with various facets of abuse.